Kauf, S. (2020). Smart City in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska, 145, 211-220.
Link do pobrania artykułu: https://managementpapers.polsl.pl/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/145_Kauf.pdf
Purpose: More than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. These areas cover only 2% of the earth’s surface. 65% of global GDP is produced here, and more than 75% of global greenhouse gases are emitted from this area. This causes huge management problems and requires a transformation of urban life. The reconstruction of a city’s functioning methods requires innovative solutions based on digital technologies and cooperation between all stakeholder groups. This article attempts to indicate the relationship and interaction between new urbanisation and the smart city concept and Industry 4.0 technologies. Design/methodology/approach: The article is theoretical and is based on a review of literature and examples in the implementation of 4.0 technology in a smart city. Findings: Interactions and integration of urbanisation processes and development of new technologies contribute to the change of the new smart city infrastructure. Modern information technologies help improve a city’s functioning, not only for the better use of resources and improving transport systems, but also to improve energy efficiency and sustainable urban development. On the other hand, a smart city, accumulating social capital and attracting financial resources, has become the preferred place for the location of business. Therefore, this concept supports the new industrialisation. Originality/value: The survey provided an answer to the question related to the scope of use of Industry 4.0 by a smart city. It was pointed out that these tools are of key importance for urban development. They give city managers tips on strategic directions of development, suggesting that Industry 4.0 instruments should be prioritised.