Kauf, S. (2019). Smart logistics as a basis for the development of the smart city, Transportation Research Procedia, 39, 143-149.
Link do pobrania artykułu: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352146519301048
In this article the issues of role and meaning of intelligent technologies has been undertaken especially in area of logistics, without which development of smart cities would be actually impossible. Even though we can argue about it, what it actually means “intelligent”, without a doubt it covers use of modern Technologies. They let to reduce negative influence of flow of good and people in urbanized areas, at the same time they increase level of quality of life in the city. In the article we discussed a trial of defining concept of ‘smart city’. As a main goal we set indication of result in area of smart logistics, that let to optimize logistic processes through digitalization and use of information Technologies that increase innovation level of cities, at the same time supporting development of smart city. The main idea of the article is that addressing topics about smart city seriously can bring many benefits to all cities – both in the short and long term. The methodology used in this research is based on the critical analysis of Polish and foreign language literature on the topic of smart city.