Inteligentny transport: wyzwania dla smart city

Kauf, S. (2022). Inteligentny transport: wyzwania dla smart city. W: Nowoczesne rozwiązania w transporcie publicznym w JST, Wieczorek I., Sadowski A. (red.). Wydawnictwo Narodowego Instytutu Samorządu Terytorialnego, Narodowy Intytut Samorządu Terytorialnego.

We współczesnym świecie mobilność jest swoistym eliksirem życia. Dla młodych ludzi coraz częściej staje się ważniejsza, aniżeli posiadanie rzeczy materialnych. Dzięki niej uzyskują oni poczucie wolności i niezależności. Mobilność to nie tylko swoboda przemieszczania się, ale także (a może przede wszystkim) gotowość i nieskrępowana możliwość podejmowania decyzji lokalizacyjnych. Dzięki mobilności świat staje się mały. Dlatego mobilność coraz częściej stanowi krytyczny czynnik ekonomiczny, ułatwiający inteligentny i zrównoważony rozwój miast. Planowanie inteligentnego miasta, oferującego skuteczne rozwiązania w zakresie mobilności miejskiej, jest jednym z głównych problemów obszarów zurbanizowanych na całym świecie.

Rola technologii informacyjnych w kreowaniu smart city na przykładzie monitorowania rozprzestrzeniania się pandemii COVID-19

Kauf, S. (2022). Rola technologii informacyjnych w kreowaniu smart city na przykładzie monitorowania rozprzestrzeniania się pandemii COVID-19. W: Informacja – dobro publiczne czy prywatne? Nowe wyzwania: księga jubileuszowa poświęcona Profesorowi Adamowi Czerwińskiemu, Krzesaj M., Jańdziak A. (red., Uniwersytet Opolski: Opole.

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Współczesne miasta stoją w obliczu ogromnych zmian, związanych nie tylko z postępującą urbanizacją, ale także ze starzeniem się społeczeństwa, szeroko rozumianym bezpieczeństwem i zdrowiem publicznym. Zrównoważony i dynamiczny rozwój miasta prowadzi do powstania nowej formy rozwoju urbanistycznego, który wykorzystuje nowe technologie informacyjno- informatyczne, takie jak IoT i Claud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain czy Industry 4.0. Narzędzia te wspierają procesy zarządcze w mieście i pozwalają na większą integrację wszystkich interesariuszy. Podłączenie do globalnej sieci wszystkich urządzeń przetwarzających dane pozwala na wzajemne komunikowanie się bez pośrednictwa człowieka. Zastosowanie technologii ICT okazało się kluczowe w dobie pandemii COVID-19, kiedy jednym z warunków zapobiegania rozprzestrzeniania się wirusa było ograniczenie kontaktów i utrzymanie dystansu społecznego. Dlatego za cel artykułu przyjęto wykazanie roli i znaczenia technologii ICT w kreowaniu smart city na przykładzie rozwiązań stosowanych w czasie pandemii.

Is sustainable aligning with smartness in transport domain? – marketing perspective of smart city rankings

Bruska, A., Boichuk, N. (2022).  Is sustainable aligning with smartness in transport domain? – marketing perspective of smart city rankings. Zeszyty Naukowe / Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, 72, s.1-11.

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Rising awareness of sustainable development challenges, along with the quest for optimization of the everyday functioning of the city, motivate many urban authorities to search for promising concepts and solutions. One of these is the smart city concept, which has gained governors of cities’ attention for little more than ten years.An object of research and development, it is still a distinctive feature for the cities that adopt this concept. City marketers use such distinction towards a large palette of beneficiaries of the city. At the same time, it deploys some traits suggesting synergies between the implementation of smart city solutions and sustainable development goals. The main objective of our work was to verify if the relationship between these aspects (smartness and sustainability of a transportation) in smart city rankings exists and, if that is true, what impact it has on marketing communication of the city comprised in such rankings. To fulfill this goal, we answered such research questions as: what place sustainability criteria in smart city rankings have occurred, how is the transport represented in these criteria, what use graded cities make of their presence in such competition, and which perspective dominates (if any) in daily marketing communication activities of the city.To provide such an analysis, we considered the criteria used to rank the cities to find the places that accorded to sustainable ones. We examined the marketing use of the results of such rankings, referring to the official websites and social media of selected cities (random selection from the total population of 174 cities comprised). The sources used to provide the data in natural language, and their analysis proceeded with methods and tools used in NLP (natural language processing), which are accessible through CLARIN.EU infrastructure. The results determine that cities can be classed into different groups, accordingly to their sustainability/smartness pending, and ability to use accorded ranks in marketing context.

Smart and valued? ICT urban (transport) solutions in the city official communication

Kauf, S., Pisz, I. (2022). Smart and valued? ICT urban (transport) solutions in the city official communication. Zeszyty Naukowe / Akademia Morska w Szczecinie, 72(144), 152-161.

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To optimize the everyday functioning of a city, urban authorities can implement smart city tools and solutions. Mobility is a typical field associated with the concept of a smart city. It is interesting to take a closer look at the solutions applied through the information accessible on the official websites, while exploring, at the same time, the possibilities offered by new research tools. The main objective of this work is to establish the significance of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of creating smart mobility in a smart city, based on the texts posted on official websites. Using the natural language processing (NLP) methods and tools offered by the CLARIN.EU infrastructure, we verified dominant connotations with the mobility in the cities recognized as smart. The cities sample is the extract from the existing smart city rankings. To fulfil our goal, we searched for an answer to the question: What information about ICT solutions is posted on the websites of the studied cities and in what thematic contexts are they used? We looked for the results of the smart city rankings, referring to the official websites of the selected cities (a random selection from a total of 174 cities). The results show that mobility forms a distinct topic in smart cities communication, covering various kinds of transport solutions and systems, with a strong focus on the project side of this activity. The results are the part of the research “The smart city 4.0 maturity model,” conducted at the Department of Marketing and Logistics UO.

Smart mobility jako podstawowy element koncepcji inteligentnego miasta – studium przypadku wybranych polskich miast

Boichuk, N. (2020). Smart mobility jako podstawowy element koncepcji inteligentnego miasta – studium przypadku wybranych polskich miast. W: Inteligentne miasta, Budziewicz-Guźlecka A. (red.), Rozprawy i Studia – Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 1153, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, ISBN 978-83-7972-402-4, 59-72.

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Inteligentne rozwiązania w obszarze transportu miejskiego są kluczem do poprawy jakości życia mieszkańców. Systemy inteligentnej mobilności zbiorowej oraz indywidualnej w analizowanych polskich miastach podlegają ciągłemu rozwojowi. Usługi ridesharingu, bikesharingu, carsharingu oraz przewozy na żądanie pojawiają się na rynku w odpowiedzi na rosnący popyt na alternatywne środki transportu. Natomiast władze miast starają się usprawnić istniejący system transportu miejskiego, wdrażając rozwiązania informacyjno-komunikacyjne, planując budowę węzłów przesiadkowych, rozbudowując infrastrukturę drogową. Jednak aby wdrożyć elementy koncepcji smart city w całości, wymagana jest współpraca mieszkańców, przedsiębiorców oraz władz miast.

Sustainability: Carpooling as a Component of Smart Mobility

Boichuk, N. (2020). Sustainability: Carpooling as a Component of Smart Mobility. Education Excellence and Innovation Management: A 2025 Vision to Sustain Economic Development during Global Challenges. Proceedings of the 35th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA), Soliman Khalid S. (ed.), International Business Information Management Association (IBIMA),15786-15794, ISBN 978-0-9998551-4-0.

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Purpose: The purpose of the article is to identify the perception of carpooling as a component of smart mobility in the opinion of city dwellers and the suburban area. Methodology: The article is of an exploratory nature and is based on the results of in-depth interviews among residents of the suburban area and the city. The sample selection was intentional. Findings: It was found that respondents are little familiar with the concept of smart mobility. They are distrustful of the concept of carpooling and sceptical about the safety of such a journey even if the identity of the driver or passenger is fully verified. Respondents also fear social mismatches, which can be a nuisance when traveling. The advantages of carpooling include savings, reduced congestion, the opportunity to meet interesting people, and a positive impact on the environment. The incentive to use carpooling may be ensuring travel safety, creating dedicated carpooling applications for employees of the organization, financial incentives and marketing activities. Research limitations: The study was exploratory. Research should be conducted on a larger scale, including other smart mobility solutions. Practical implications: If local authorities take measures to promote carpooling and at the same time ensure travel safety, then a reduction in the number of cars on the roads during peak hours and economic and environmental benefits can be expected. Originality/value: The article presents qualitative research on carpooling in Poland, which enriches the literature. In addition, the results indicate the need for research in this direction, because the concept of sharing driving can bring measurable benefits.

Praca zdalna jako element koncepcji inteligentnego miasta

Wyrwich-Płotka, S. (2020). Praca zdalna jako element koncepcji inteligentnego miasta. Studia Miejskie, 39, 71-81.

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Z powodu postępującej na świecie urbanizacji i stale ujawniających się wraz z nią kryzysów można zaobserwować ogromne zainteresowanie koncepcją smart city. W praktyce miejskiej ma ona charakter wielowymiarowy i dotyczy zarówno wykorzystywania nowoczesnych rozwiązań technologicznych, jak i ekorozwoju miast. Ponadto aktualna ogólnoświatowa sytuacja wywołana pandemią koronawirusa spowodowała, że nie tylko przedsiębiorstwa borykają się z problemami zachowania ciągłości zatrudnienia, przy jednoczesnym zachowaniu wszelkich rygorów sanitarnych w celu zapewnienia bezpiecznych miejsc pracy. Problem ten dotknął również administrację publiczną, która zobowiązana jest do nieprzerwanego funkcjonowania. Pewnym rozwiązaniem tego problemu stała się praca zdalna. Dlatego też w niniejszym opracowaniu podjęto próbę wykazania roli i znaczenia pracy zdalnej w kreowaniu smart city w dobie pandemii oraz wyodrębniono korzyści, jakie niesie ze sobą taka forma pracy. Doświadczenia ostatnich miesięcy wyraźnie wskazują, że wykorzystanie technologii smart może przyczynić się do zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa i wykształcenia nowych zachowań społecznych, w dłuższej perspektywie. Praca zdalna może nie tylko ułatwić funkcjonowanie organizmów miejskich w sytuacjach kryzysowych, ale także przyczynić się do wzrostu jakości życia w mieście. Należy przypuszczać, że wiele form zdalnego organizowania życia miasta i rozwiązywania problemów mieszkańców będzie stanowić jeden ze standardów obsługi klienta wykorzystywanych przez organy administracji samorządowej.

Sustainable logistics: a framework for green city logistics – examples of Polish cities

Boichuk, N., Kauf, S. (2020). Sustainable logistics: a framework for green city logistics – examples of Polish cities. In 9th Carpathian Logistics Congress CLC 2019: Conference Proceedings December 2 – 4, 2019, TANGER Ltd, ISBN 978-80-87294-96-3, 339-346.

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Background. The emission of hazardous substances has a significant impact on environment pollution and becomes a noticeable problem. Public transport, warehouse processes, and waste management are the main sources of pollution in cities. Ecology oriented solutions in the city’s logistics systems may lead to improve the quality of citizens’ life. The use of sustainable logistics may cause positive feedback on the surrounding environment. The interest of green logistics increases rapidly due to a growing amount of urban waste, energy consumption and greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere. The aim of this paper is to analyze the green logistics solutions and to consider their application in Polish cities. Method. The article is theoretical and is based on a literature review. The main research method is an analysis of green logistics solutions and possible ways to implement them in Polish cities. Results. Implementation of planned solutions in Polish cities could improve the shape of the natural environment together with a citizen’s life quality. Cooperation between local government, entrepreneurs and citizens is indispensable to achieve the expected results. A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for increasing the quality of life in the city is an implementation of green logistics solutions. The basic ones include the development of infrastructure for public transport and vehicles powered by alternative fuels (mainly electricity). It is important to implement sharing concepts based on vehicle sharing, as well as a participatory approach to city management, allowing each resident to feel jointly responsible for it. Nowadays, Polish cities invest money in renewable energy to power public transport vehicles. In addition, the number of charging stations for electric vehicles is increasing very quickly. This means we observe positive changes in people’s behavior about their environment.

Smart city in the era of the fourth industrial revolution

Kauf, S. (2020). Smart City in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Zeszyty Naukowe. Organizacja i Zarządzanie / Politechnika Śląska, 145, 211-220.

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Purpose: More than half of the world’s population lives in urban areas. These areas cover only 2% of the earth’s surface. 65% of global GDP is produced here, and more than 75% of global greenhouse gases are emitted from this area. This causes huge management problems and requires a transformation of urban life. The reconstruction of a city’s functioning methods requires innovative solutions based on digital technologies and cooperation between all stakeholder groups. This article attempts to indicate the relationship and interaction between new urbanisation and the smart city concept and Industry 4.0 technologies. Design/methodology/approach: The article is theoretical and is based on a review of literature and examples in the implementation of 4.0 technology in a smart city. Findings: Interactions and integration of urbanisation processes and development of new technologies contribute to the change of the new smart city infrastructure. Modern information technologies help improve a city’s functioning, not only for the better use of resources and improving transport systems, but also to improve energy efficiency and sustainable urban development. On the other hand, a smart city, accumulating social capital and attracting financial resources, has become the preferred place for the location of business. Therefore, this concept supports the new industrialisation. Originality/value: The survey provided an answer to the question related to the scope of use of Industry 4.0 by a smart city. It was pointed out that these tools are of key importance for urban development. They give city managers tips on strategic directions of development, suggesting that Industry 4.0 instruments should be prioritised.

A smart sustainable city: the challenges facing sustainable mobility

Kauf, S. (2019). A smart sustainable city: the challenges facing sustainable mobility, Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu, 63(7), 230-243.

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The article presents issues related to creating sustainable mobility, which is one of the main elements of a smart city, the understanding of which in recent years has changed dramatically. We can observe a departure from the strictly technological understanding of a smart city, in favour of creative development and providing incentives for shaping urban space that is not only public, but also respects the requirements of the environment. This aspect is also necessary for the development of smart and sustainable mobility. The aim of this study is to identify the main premise and the characteristics of a smart and sustainable city, and to present mobility as one of the key challenges involved in the operationalization of the concept. Although the issue of a smart city and sustainable city in the literature is often taken up, their combination is less explored. These considerations start with presenting the key components of a smart sustainable city. This will allow to understand the idea of the concept. Next, we will go to the issue of mobility, which plays an important role in creating a smart sustainable city

Smart logistics as a basis for the development of the smart city

Kauf, S. (2019). Smart logistics as a basis for the development of the smart city, Transportation Research Procedia, 39, 143-149.

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In this article the issues of role and meaning of intelligent technologies has been undertaken especially in area of logistics, without which development of smart cities would be actually impossible. Even though we can argue about it, what it actually means “intelligent”, without a doubt it covers use of modern Technologies. They let to reduce negative influence of flow of good and people in urbanized areas, at the same time they increase level of quality of life in the city. In the article we discussed a trial of defining concept of ‘smart city’. As a main goal we set indication of result in area of smart logistics, that let to optimize logistic processes through digitalization and use of information Technologies that increase innovation level of cities, at the same time supporting development of smart city. The main idea of the article is that addressing topics about smart city seriously can bring many benefits to all cities – both in the short and long term. The methodology used in this research is based on the critical analysis of Polish and foreign language literature on the topic of smart city.